Specially sourced from the best paddy fields of India, every grain of Sagar basmati rice is meticulously selected to ensure the best aroma, taste and texture for your palate. The company’s target audience are tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India.
The visual concept of rice paddy fields and the rice plant, has been depicted in a direct, colourful, minimal and bold way. The type combination of Lato and Kepler breaks the symmetry of the layout. Using an earthy palette of greens and yellows for the base and illustration helps elevate the bright colour swatches that differentiate the types of rice.
field Packaging Design
team Aishwarya Sanchety
Specially sourced from the best paddy fields of India, every grain of Sagar basmati rice is meticulously selected to ensure the best aroma, taste and texture for your palate. The company’s target audience are tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India.
The visual concept of rice paddy fields and the rice plant, has been depicted in a direct, colourful, minimal and bold way. The type combination of Lato and Kepler breaks the symmetry of the layout. Using an earthy palette of greens and yellows for the base and illustration helps elevate the bright colour swatches that differentiate the types of rice.
field Packaging Design
team Aishwarya Sanchety